Cultural Impact of FDI in Retail

Does any of the parents today aspire their kids to start a kiraana store? Most would answer with a NO!!

Leave alone kiraana, they do not want their to take up any kind of business!! When i was working on an idea for quick service food chain (in simple words: selling food on cart), i faced stiff resistance from my dad, it was an idea that won me 2 business plan competitions. He rather, then allowed me to pursue setting up a software firm. Reason: they feel it is a dignified profession!! 

In India, these professions, Grocery / Provisional Store or to that matter any shop, is considered as income source for those who cannot secure a job! Even parents already in these professions want their educated kids to look out for a "White Collar" Job.

Are these professions risky? No, they will run as long as we use soap/ toothpaste or till we stop eating! 
Do they require heavy investments? No! A kiraana store can be setup with a max of 50k in hand.
Are the revenues less? A typical pani-puri cart guy earns about 12-15k per month (I speak about profits only). and a two shutter kiraana store earns minimum of about 30-40k pm, same is with a evening 3-4 hour bhajji (evening snack) seller. 

The thought that stuck in my mind when the debate on FDI in retail is on is about its cultural impact. These mon 'n pop stores are not an aspiration of today's india, young india wants to shop in malls, setup branded stores, want to sell groceries online... what not!

Is it good, bad or ugly? I do not know!! Reforms back then in 90's changed a lot, it brought in industrial growth in India, created new jobs, depleted natural resources, better educational infrastructure, commercialized education, increased brain drain, increased luxury in living as well as pollution, better healthcare systems and more no of diseases, Easy communications but distanced relationships. 

It brought us the most sought after IT HUB image to India, and brought in the new age software coolies'. 

So how is FDI in Retail going to effect us?
  • We will start seeing these A/C Shops & Glass building in towns and villages. Well shaved, neatly dressed people serving the customers.
  • Existing mom'n pop stores will wake up to competition and will have to deliver better products and services at most competitive prices. They will understand and work on customer service and customer  loyality. Customer will get better options.
  • Most of the retail giants will probably not trash out existing stores, but try to rope them into branded exclusive franchises', converting existing packed store to a spacious well designed shop.
  • Farmers may get better prices (depends on regulatory norms).
  • All the traders and mediators will be out of business as retails giants will setup their own direct procurement mechanisms.
  • It will create better infrastructure, but make us depended on foreign money, rupee will fall!! Prices will rise!
The most important cultural impact it would again create is it will convert the entrepreneurial shop owners, into a "white collared" salaried employees. It will allow the risk taking educated junk of people to allow setup their own shops, may be online or offline!! The stigma attached with setting up a store will go away.


  1. Anonymous12:50 pm

    Thank you for sharing.
    I was trying to make sense of news since two days, now it is kinda clear.

  2. nice!
    we'll never have a 'baniya' running the shop again
    'baniya' is a satirical term for bodies who control and manipulate markets, prices
    and like a pure capitalist state, the best will survive, and consumers will win
    ps: prices will rise (compared to?)
    i feel prices offered to a consumer will be competitive, isnt it?

  3. @ravi... after yesterdays discussion, i realize how shallow my thoughts were.


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