What did BHUMI give me?

Many at times my friends, colleagues and relatives ask me this question what do you get by doing social service... this is meant for the people who have well settled in their lives... have much time to spend and so do social service to pass their time!!!

“you first settle in your life, build up your career then do service to society” is what every one advices me... this made me think, think again and again... that made me to question myself “what did BHUMI give to me?”

First thing what BHUMI did was... it made me to think! It made me realize “what I am and what I want to become”... In short it made me realize my true potential;

‘Paresh’ a year back was a procrastinating guy, used to watch movies first day first show, spending most of the time either chit chatting or roaming along the roads; though I used to study simultaneously, Life was never so interesting.

BHUMI taught me how to handle things in critical situation... coz, for the whole time I had been with BHUMI, life always came up with new problems... sometimes how to manage a group of people, sometimes to speak before of a crowd with my poor communication skills (this forced me to work upon it) , sometimes unable to meet deadlines in college/studies due to work at BHUMI (This taught me to be punctual and work overtime, otherwise work cannot be done), sometimes it brought me to situations to convince people of views diametrically opposite to mine... but situation asked me to work with them and accomplish the task...

In short BHUMI has taught me the real meaning of life... it always came up with problems and made me to search for the solutions...

It also proved to be a platform for people who wish to learn, It gave me an opportunity to design a its website (www.bhumi.in). For amateur web designer it’s a great learning experience and really boosts my confidence, when I see it, it reminds me that i can complete any given task.

Finally it gave me an opportunity to meet wonderful people who made me a part of their lives...

It taught me how to rise high even after a million failures... what else can a ordinary guy in early 20’s ask for?

What Bhumi means to me is now not just an organization, but a passion...

I wont ask you to join BHUMI, but if you wish... you can at www.bhumi.in


  1. Very true paresh... I have quiet similar views.. Wat bhumi gave me is also an oppurtunity to unlearn and learn. good to know that u have gained a lot!!!

  2. 'paresh' First of all i would like TO say thanx to the god for giving a good friend.Wht ever u said correct."But my bad luck" i could continue with Bhumi through out my Engg. because of the problem wht you said .Now again i want to re-join .If there is any chance please,please,please let me know.

    finally i want to say one thing to "ALL".If we meet any person ,He/she may ask who is ur inspiring person?At,tht time we say lot of names in whch some them we now through books r pesonally.For me paresh is one [NO "MOST"]the inspring person whom i now personally .


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